Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hey guys!
I'm so sorry I know I've been awful at blogging lately. I want to take a second and tell you what I've been up to..
First of all its the end of the semester and finals are killing. (lack of time and motivation)

Two weeks ago my sister asked me to join her in a 24 hour scavenger hunt, you probably either heard of it or got annoyed with all of our crazy pictures. It was called the Questival and all these teams were competing to win a paid week humanitarian trip to Peru or Africa. Sadly we didn't win, but it was a lot of fun! :) 

I dont think I've mentioned this but I am planing a cruise for 35 people in my singles ward and we leave in 8 days! I'm beyond excited! This will be my first cruise ever! :) Stay tuned for the overload of pictures coming your way! :)

Have you heard of 21 day fix? Well if you haven't and want to hear more shoot me an email! It's amazing. Me and two of my closest friends decided to give this workout program a try before our cruise. Its a program that has 30 minute exercise videos and teaches you portion control. I love it! We're on day 13 and we leave in 8 days!

Its been time consuming planning meals ahead of time and going grocery shopping a lot more not to mention find a time where we all can work out together every day. Not that I was always eating out before but it became convenient when I was too busy to prepare meals. But I'm staying strong and dedicated to this meal plan, and I love it! Completely worth it!! :)

And of course when you are too busy to fit anything else in you get sick right! haha So I've been taking vitamin C like crazy trying to get better.

STAY TUNED… I know that you are all wondering when part 2 is coming out. With being so busy I haven't been able to work on it a ton but I promise after finals I will work on it a lot more and as soon as its where I want it I will post! Thank you for being patient! :)
You guys are the best! I hope you have a wonder day! Keep smiling! :D